Travel Bright
Film, Social, Digital, Print
The team was tasked with rebranding the Oneworld alliance as the smarter way to fly around the globe. To sell the work in, we presented it to all 13 airline partners – twice. I can still do the presentation in my sleep.
Social, Product
To celebrate spring - we brought together the most unlikely of pairings - Pepsi and peeps. Then we recreated famous Pepsi ads with peeps and asked people to share pics with the candy on social for a chance to win the limited edition concoction. We also purposefully didn’t call it “Peepsi” - hoping to get extra reach. We did - on a national level.
Film, Print, Social
What Dreams are Furnished Of
The first IKEA Planning Studio was coming to NYC. And while other brands try to come across as insiders by talking in New York lingo, we aimed to come across as the ultimate insider by integrating IKEA into the city skyline itself - one piece of furniture at a time.
Social, Print
The World is Not Flat
American Express Platinum was losing ground in a category they once dominated - travel. The brand was seen as outdated and out of touch with newer generations of attitudes and aspirations. So we created a campaign that encouraged people to stop staring at their phones and join the world that visualized immersive and authentic experiences. Since launching our campaign, new Platinum memberships have more than doubled.
Unsettle In
Print, Social
Showtime wanted to stand out from all the other cable networks. So we came up with “unsettle in”, a platform that spoke to the anxious quirks of shows like Shameless and Twin Peaks. Then we used their logo to bring the idea to life.
A Pocket Full of Benefits
For the new global American Express Platinum campaign they wanted people to see all the experiences the card literally puts in your hands.
Film, Print, Social, Banners
You Don’t Join Us, We Join You
Aetna is more than just a health insurance company, they're a full on health brand that revolves around its members. Besides the obvious, they offer everything from mindfulness tips and techniques to health concierges that can help you recover at home.
To change that perspective, we relaunched Aetna with a fully integrated campaign that drove home the idea that health isn't about the insurer, it's about the insured. The relaunch tripled engagement with the brand. Organic searches for ‘Aetna’ actually overtook searches for ‘health insurance’ within 4 weeks of launch.
Film, Social
Music to your Tastebuds
We were tasked to talk about the new Keurig K-Supreme, and how it takes taste and aroma to another level. So we enlisted James Cordon and Reggie Watts to bring to life the feeling you get from drinking an amazing cup of coffee.
Film, Social
Parental Peace of Mind
For the Enfamil Family Beginnings program we created a series of social videos and posts featuring Josh Peck of Drake and Josh fame and his wife Paige. We worked from the insight that for new parents who are trying to get their baby to sleep and find a little peace of mind - that it’s all about the silence.
Social, Web
Live for Now
Our team created Pepsi Pulse - a global dashboard and site experience that curated pop culture and entertainment news (ranked every hour), tweets containing #NOW, daily Pepsi promotions and celebrity messages and challenges.
The brief was simple. We had to find a unique way to talk about Knob Creek's aging process. 50+ headlines later, a few really stood out.
We used the iPhones accelerometer to create a coupon that demanded a workout.
I’ve worked on sites as varied as Hasbro, Gatorade, and Style United. Creating a site from scratch can seem daunting, but I actually find it pretty cathartic.
What are you Getting?
We had 24 hours, no budget, and no brief. The finished posters increased sales, made it into Archive, and were hung in the halls of Saatchi.
Film, Print, Digital
All About the Flip
We wanted to tell thoughtful little stories about people and the Toyotas they love. The client wanted it done on the cheap. Everyone won.
Even when things were slow at work, we couldn't help being creative. See the blog here:
Back in 2009, I created a twitter/X character so I could poke some fun at the business. One Adweek mention and 3000+ followers later - I’m still at it.